Tiger rock

from David

同治六年冬 虎 台镇使者刘明灯书

4 Responses to “Tiger rock”

  1. studentyoung says:

    “台鎮使者劉明燈書 / 台镇使者刘明灯书”
    这个刘明灯也不是省油的灯。他是一位兼备文韬武略的儒将,为人做官都让人称善:百姓、下属、朋友都对他敬重有加,上司对他的人品才干也赞不绝口。刘明灯对军事政治和地方管理都有很见地,有政绩—— 真是难得的栋梁之材!

    http://xinyunxin.home4u.china.com/new_page_256.htm (刘明灯与台湾三碑)

  2. David says:

    I should add a bit more info here. The rock is located on the Caoling Historic Trail (草嶺古道) which used to be the main transport route between Taipei and Yilan.

    The story behind the placement of the rock is:

    When Taiwan Regional Commander Liu Ming-deng arrived at the Caoling Pass during an inspection tour of northern Taiwan in 1867, he was buffetted by such strong wind and thick fog that he could not tell his directions. In accordance with the ancient Chinese saying "Clouds obey the dragon, wind obeys the tiger" (雲從龍﹐風從虎) he inscribed the Chinese character for "tiger" to suppress the wind. Legend has it that Liu Ming-deng loved to write the character for tiger, and that his calligraphy indicated differences of gender. The "tiger" inscription written by him in the Bo’ai Road military compound in Taipei is male, while the "tiger" on this stone is female.

    You can find a larger resolution version of the image here.

  3. studentyoung says:

    Ala, thanks so much for your supplement, David!

    The “tiger” inscription written by him in the Bo’ai Road military compound in Taipei is male, while the “tiger” on this stone is female.

    I wonder if it is possible for you to send a photo of that “male tiger”, so that the male and female can make a perfect match here? Anyway, thanks all the same, David! :-)

  4. David says:

    If I happen to be wandering around the area I will take a photo and put it up here.

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